How to Revise Easily.

(before going to university/ morning):
The first thing
that I do once I am awake is to pray and thank God for just being alive and in
a good health, that I have the opportunity to study freely. I know that you
will probably say that this won’t help but believe me if you remember what you
already have accomplish till now you will be much more motivated to do more.
Try to find time for taking your breakfast in order to stay focused during
studying. I try as much as possible to revise or at least read something about
the coming lectures, so that I will not feel lost. Moreover, if you already
know a little about them, you will feel confidant and motivated to study more.
Also, if you are not well prepared for your lectures, you will feel bored
during the study sessions. Before entering to your classroom, remember that you
are able to be one of the good students because you are intelligent, serious,
hard worker, autonomous and ready for any essay, research paper or exam. You
can surprise yourself if you want to.
If you want to
stay focused on your lectures try to sit alone. It does not mean that you are
not allowed to have friends, of course you do, but it is better to be isolated,
if I can say, during lecture so that you will be 100% able to focus with you
professors. Another thing is to always have a notebook where you write anything
that has been explained. This way you will try to search about it when you
finish. I prefer notebooks rather than computers. It has been proved that
writing helps the brain to remember better than typing on a keyboard. If you
want to know more about how to take notes, organize them and memorize them if
needed just ask me in the comments below.
(afternoon / at night):
The afternoon is
the most essential period of your studies because you will revise, organize you
lectures and also write essays and research papers if you are asked to do so.
In this sense, this is the part where you should divide it. Some students start
their revision once they arrive at home or campus. I, personally, prefer to
take a pause where I pray (I am a Muslim so I pray five time a day), garb
something to eat while talking to my boyfriend, parents or watching something
on YouTube (I even try to watch videos that have a relationship with my
studies). Once I finish, I can take a nap of 10 minutes if I am so tired. When
it comes to revision I divided my time into Four parts.
3.1. Organizing my notes: I mentioned before that
you can take notes during your lectures, so what I do is to try to organize them
in order to be clearer. I usually do not copy them directly. I prefer to
numerate them and think about questions that have relationships with them. I
circle the most important parts of my lectures, put question marks where I find
difficulties. In other words, the notes are going to look like a detailed map
for me. After that I take only five minutes as a break. During this break do
not touch your phone because you won’t be able to go back to your studies.
research about my notes: I try to go from general to specific. As a result, I
start with the title of the lecture, read about its general concepts and each
time I try to go deeper in my research. The best way to make research is to
download books (because they are valid). There are a lot of sites where you can
download them for free (if you want some sites you can leave me comments
Copy my
notes: When I finish my research, I copy my notes in another notebook in which
I write only organized lectures. Do not throw the notes that you take during
lectures once you finish coping them. They can be useful for different things
such as revising or remembering something. In this sense, I always go back to
them because when I look at them I can remember things that have been said and
I couldn’t write. I take a break of ten minutes.
Homework: sometimes,
I start with my homework if I don’t have lot of lectures that I have to
organize. However, I leave them for the end. In my to do list, I write first
the urgent homework that I must submit the next day. And if I have other
homework that are less important I leave them for the weekends.
When you revise
don’t push yourself too far because this will just harm both your body and
brain. Find at least Five minutes between these periods to rest and eat
something to gain more energy. Another thing is to always believe in yourself
because everything starts from here. You are smart enough to accomplish lot of
things. Moreover, revision doesn’t need a high level of intelligence or lot of
work and memorization. You just have to find the right way to revise. I hope
this will help you (if so please send me messages where you share with me your
study routine or give me some tips that will help me to improve).
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